Anecdotal Records – Child Portfolio

BY S. Z. & R. A.

Anecdote 1 & 2

2/22/2016, Child A, (5.1). Child A was in the living room area sitting on a small size chair and table. Child A was playing with a green play dough, when child B came to child A and asked him: “what are you doing”, child A said: ” I’m doing apple pie”. Child B said: “I want to make ice cream”, child A smiled and said: “I want make ice cream too”. Child A took a large piece of dough and raised his right arm while clinching his fingers and spoke with a thick voice to say: “I want make a big ….big ice cream”. (Communication, language and literacy – using facial expression and tone matched to the content of their communication – ELECT)

2/22/2016, Child A, (5.1). Child A took a piece of dough and squeezed it with his hands, and then he flattened it with a cookie cutter. Child A asked child B: ” do you see the circle shape?” child B said: “yes, its here.” child A said: “give me it,” child B gave the circle shape to child A. (Cognition – recognizing and naming shapes – ELECT)

Anecdote 3

2/16/2016, Child A, (5.1). Child A was using his right hand pincer grasp to hold a thin paintbrush. He started to draw shapes like triangles, circles, crosses and rectangles. Then, child a used his left hand index to dip it in the water paint colours and started to dap on the papers, and make curvy and straight lines. (Physical – copying straight lines and copying triangles and crosses – ELECT)

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