Personal Educational Philosophy & Goals

I started this program thinking that children are weak, dependent, innocent and pots that need to be filled. My image of the child has changed dramatically since; I am able to see each child as strong, independent, capable and bring about a bounty of knowledge and insight into this world. I have come to understand the difference between guiding a child’s path and leading. I have come to witness their intelligence, their reflections and innate curiosity.

Loris Malaguzzi the founder of Reggio Emilia Approach stresses the importance of the image of the child in reflecting and implementing the learning process and guiding behaviours and temperaments (Malaguzzi, 1993, p. 1, para. 2). The relationship between the child and the educator should be found on respect, trust and compassion. As an educator, I have come to learn and comprehend the critical influence of my previous image of the child on my own views and interactions with my children as well as the children in my care.

My image of the child is becoming more concrete and stable supported by research, readings, discussions and placement experiences. The views and opinions of researchers and educators such as; Malaguzzi, Montessori and john Dewey has altered my views, values and image of the child to reflect a competent, reliable and intelligent individual who are worthy of my full attention and dedication. Ultimately, upon countless reflections on my own interpretations, I have come to realize that my approach is not to lead and dictate their journey of discovery and exploration but rather the opposite; my presence is to guide, nurture and extend their natural and inborn interests and curiosity and support their holistic development to reach their full potential.


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