Image of the Child: Reflection

Image of the Child  By S. Z. & KK. B. Our initial image of the child is the blank slate and innocent child. We believe that children are born innocent and they only want to be loved and guided by adults to learn in order to contribute to society and their environment. We believe that…

Examining Your Values

“We want to know what the children, think, feel, and wonder. We believe that the children will have things to tell each other and us that we have never heard before. We are always listening for a surprise and the birth of a new idea. This practice supports a…searching together for new meaning. Together, we…

Work Sample Examples

by S. A. & R. A. Work Sample 1 Child A was playing with small Lego blocks with his older brother. Child A said that he was making a spaceship. Child A pointed out to his spaceship and said “ my spaceship with two huge fire engines”. Then, child A said to his brother: “fire…

Sorting – Shapes, letters, animals puzzles

Name/Focus of Activity: Sorting – Shapes, letters, animals puzzles Originating Idea based on Observation: During free play the children were playing with animal and objects puzzles. Based on that observation I thought of brining some simple shape puzzles to extend the children’s cognitive development. Developmental Significance: 4. Cognitive – 4.9 Sorting – Sorting and labeling objects (ELECT, 2014, p. 34) High…

Running Record & Anecdotal Records

Child’s name: Y                                                Observer: S. Z. Age / D.O.B: 5 years and 2 months                 Date: February 20, 2015 Start Time: 6:19 P.M.                                      End Time: 6:34 P.M. Reason for observation: fine motor skills, social communication, emotional and cognitive development Context: we are at (Z’s) home and I have arranged an art activity. (Y) His 10 years…

Pedagogical Documentation

Child Portfolio by S. Z. & R. A. 1st Pedagogical Documentation Child A found papers and crayons on the table at the dinning room, and then suddenly he seemed so excited and started drawing with markers. He started drawing what looks like a stick figure, his mother asked him: “what are you going to draw?”…

Anecdotal Records – Child Portfolio

BY S. Z. & R. A. Anecdote 1 & 2 2/22/2016, Child A, (5.1). Child A was in the living room area sitting on a small size chair and table. Child A was playing with a green play dough, when child B came to child A and asked him: “what are you doing”, child A…

Magnetic Bottles – Exploration

Name/Focus of Activity: Magnet Bottles – Exploration Age Range of Children: 3-5 years Originating Idea based on Observation: The children where observed using magnetic letters and metal pans during one of the activities. Children showed interest in magnets where they used to pick the tray and shake it, and try to lift the tray using different…

Literacy – Alphabet recognition using foam letters in the water table

Name/Focus of Activity: Literacy – Alphabet recognition using foam letters in the water table. Age Range of Children: 15-36 months Originating Idea based on Observation: The children haven’t been using the water table recently. Based on that observation, I thought of brining in some foam letters, ladles and cups to use in the water table as…


Research Paper: International Curriculum Frameworks  Salwa Zahra Introduction This paper reflects and compares the report of Dr. John Bennett regarding the framework of the city of Dubai, with the standard goals and principles of the international and the Canadian curriculum framework. The “Early Childhood Education and Care in Dubai” is an illustration of a policy…

Healthy Nutrition, Healthy Family

Is Your Child a Picky Eater? Does your little toddler Skip Meals, Throw Food, Refusing Old Favourites or Rejecting New Dishes; not to worry here are some tips, strategies and lunch ideas for home and school that will guide your family towards healthy and nutritious eating habits. Click on the following link to download the Pamphlet Health –…

How can we improve our listening skills?

Stop: Become conscious of being distracted; remain focused Look: Establish eye contact; avoid fidgeting or performing other tasks when someone is speaking to you. Listen with your eyes. Listen: Mentally summarize details Ask Questions: Clarify words, events, feelings by questioning the speaker. Paraphrase: Briefly state the essence of what the speaker has said to ensure…